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Holiday Programmes

2001 - Present

In 2017, we decided that we were putting the good work that Prospex achieves during term time at risk by not having a comprehensive holiday programme. We set out to change that and in the years since then, the programme has gone from strength to strength.

The Problem

For most families the holidays are a time of fun, togetherness and the exploration of new activities, creating fun memories. However, for many families that Prospex supports the holidays often mean increased financial insecurity and food poverty.

In a 2024 survey of National Education Union members, teachers and support staff were asked about the issue of child poverty. One of the findings was that '...the impacts on learning that they are seeing as a result of poverty in their everyday school experience. 84% told us they see signs of tiredness/fatigue, 79% an inability to concentrate, and for 65% an inability to complete homework.'

For others whose parents or carers are in work and only keeping the family above the breadline, the challenge is the lack of affordable childcare.

Our Approach

We ensure that our services are open every day to all young people during the holidays. And when parents have difficulties filling in our forms, for any reason, our staff members make the time to visit them and offer support to apply for our holiday schemes.

Each summer, we make sure that our young people experience at least one activity that many of them have never tried before. From visiting the beach or taking the tube to see central London landmarks, to residential summer camp or mountain hikes, to trying kayaking or indoor snowboarding, we are keen to ensure that the holidays are a time of positive experiences and treasured memories.

2018 Outcomes


 meals given to the poorest families at Christmas


meals served during the school holidays


hours of volunteer work throughout the summer



The Underground Youth Centre, Piper Cl, London N7 8TQ


Drop us a line on and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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All names attached to testimonials on this website have been changed to protect the identities of the young people. 

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